Symptoms of Lip & Tongue Ties – Hamilton, ON

Spot the Symptoms & Get Treatment

Lip and tongue ties are more common than you may think. Recently, due to more and more parents becoming familiar with what signs to look out for, they have become more frequently diagnosed. However, in the past, this wasn’t the case. These issues were regularly undiagnosed, leading to an increased risk of developing secondary related conditions. Our goal is to help you spot these symptoms of lip and tongue ties in Hamilton as early as possible, allowing your child to get the timely and necessary care they need. Call our office today to learn more or schedule an examination with Dr. Rullo.

Mother and father smiling at their baby

Why Choose Hamilton Lip & Tongue-Tie Center for Lip & Tongue Tie Treatment?

  • Smiling fish icon Lip & Tongue Tie Treatment for All Ages
  • Smiling octopus icon Precise & Safe Laser Frenectomies
  • Smiling crab icon A Knowledgeable & Gentle Pediatric Dentist



Mother and father holding their baby

Because lip and tongue ties develop in utero, parents may be able to notice symptoms early on in their infant’s development. These signs include difficulty or pain while breastfeeding, including a baby that struggles to latch onto the nipple, as well as difficulty getting steady milk flow. This causes many parents concerns like slow weight gain and digestion issues as a result of swallowing too much air while feeding.


Father hugging his young daughter

As your child develops, learning how to speak and eating a wider variety of solid foods, you may notice other signs that could indicate they have a lip or tongue tie. Sometimes, these conditions can lead to food aversions due to the fact that chewing certain items can be challenging. It can also cause your child to develop a lisp or other speech impediments, as they’re not able to easily maneuver their mouth to make certain sounds.


Teenage girl with backpack smiling in school hallway

As a teenager, you may notice that your child develops a gap between their two front permanent teeth, also known as a diastema. This can sometimes occur when a lip tie prevents the teeth from growing in side-by-side. Lip and tongue ties have also been connected to an increased risk of developing sleeping or breathing disorders by impacting their tongue’s positioning within the mouth, which could obstruct the airway.


Woman holding her head and looking concerned

Lip and tongue ties that require surgical intervention can even impact patients into adulthood. Some signs you may need a frenectomy include speech impediments, such as difficulty pronouncing “R” sounds, sleep issues like sleep apnea, and even difficulty properly chewing your food. The lips and tongue work together to help you effortlessly do each of these tasks, so when they aren’t able to move properly, you’ll likely notice these areas of your life are impacted.